0 | array (19) | 473 | 312 | 312 | 20 | 20 | 31 | 31 | Пневмооболочка | Пневмооболочка | 20.04.2022 | 20.04.2022 | 07.06.2023 06:31:40 | 07.06.2023 06:31:40 | /catalog/pnevmoobolochki/pnevmoobolochka/ | /catalog/pnevmoobolochki/pnevmoobolochka/ | /catalog/ | /catalog/ | <p> </p> <p align="center"> </p> Использование пневмооболочек позволяет ... | <p> </p> <p align="center"> </p> Использование пневмооболочек позволяет ... | html | html | Пневмооболочка — это двухслойный пакет повышенной прочности, определённого ра... | Пневмооболочка — это двухслойный пакет повышенной прочности, определённого ра... | html | html | false | null | / | / | pnevmoobolochka | pnevmoobolochka | 301 | 301 | catalog | catalog | unimagazinlite_products_s1 | unimagazinlite_products_s1 | null | null | s1 | s1 | null | null | 20.04.2022 | array (1) | array (4) | array (0) | array (6) |
1 | array (19) | 471 | 310 | 310 | 20 | 20 | 31 | 31 | Устройство для накачивания/спуска пневмооболочек | Устройство для накачивания/спуска пневмооболочек | 18.04.2022 | 18.04.2022 | 10.04.2023 07:29:01 | 10.04.2023 07:29:01 | /catalog/pnevmoobolochki/ustroystvo_dlya_nakachivaniya_spuska_pnevmoobolochek/ | /catalog/pnevmoobolochki/ustroystvo_dlya_nakachivaniya_spuska_pnevmoobolochek/ | /catalog/ | /catalog/ | text | text | Пневмопистолет с увеличенной пропускной способностью воздуха.<br /> Сокращает... | Пневмопистолет с увеличенной пропускной способностью воздуха. Сокращает врем... | text | text | false | null | / | / | ustroystvo_dlya_nakachivaniya_spuska_pnevmoobolochek | ustroystvo_dlya_nakachivaniya_spuska_pnevmoobolochek | 296 | 296 | catalog | catalog | unimagazinlite_products_s1 | unimagazinlite_products_s1 | null | null | s1 | s1 | null | null | 18.04.2022 | array (1) | array (4) | array (0) | array (6) | ||
2 | array (19) | 637 | 311 | 311 | 20 | 20 | 31 | 31 | Устройство для накачивания | Устройство для накачивания | 18.04.2022 | 18.04.2022 | 07.06.2023 06:29:37 | 07.06.2023 06:29:37 | /catalog/pnevmoobolochki/ustroystvo_dlya_nakachivaniya_s_udlinennym_shlangom/ | /catalog/pnevmoobolochki/ustroystvo_dlya_nakachivaniya_s_udlinennym_shlangom/ | /catalog/ | /catalog/ | text | text | Устройство для накачивания.<br /> Сокращает время надувания пневмооболочки на... | Устройство для накачивания. Сокращает время надувания пневмооболочки на 30-35%. | text | text | array (19) | 636 | / | / | ustroystvo_dlya_nakachivaniya_s_udlinennym_shlangom | ustroystvo_dlya_nakachivaniya_s_udlinennym_shlangom | 297 | 297 | catalog | catalog | unimagazinlite_products_s1 | unimagazinlite_products_s1 | null | null | s1 | s1 | null | null | 18.04.2022 | array (1) | array (4) | array (0) | array (6) |
/** * @param string $time String representation of datetime. * @param string $format PHP datetime format. If not specified, the format is got from the current culture. * @param \DateTimeZone $timezone Optional timezone object. * * @throws Main\ObjectException */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/datetime.php:19
/** * Converts date to string, using Culture and global timezone settings. * * @param Context\Culture $culture Culture contains datetime format. * * @return string */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/datetime.php:85
/** * Returns timezone object. * * @return \DateTimeZone */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/datetime.php:106
/** * Sets timezone object. * * @param \DateTimeZone $timezone Timezone object. * * @return DateTime */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/datetime.php:118
/** * Sets default timezone. * * @return DateTime */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/datetime.php:129
/** * @param int $hour Hour value. * @param int $minute Minute value. * @param int $second Second value. * @param int $microseconds Microseconds value. * * @return DateTime */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/datetime.php:144
/** * Changes time from server time to user time using global timezone settings. * * @return DateTime */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/datetime.php:155
/** * @return bool */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/datetime.php:287
/** * @return $this */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/datetime.php:295
/** * @return $this */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/datetime.php:305
/** * Formats date value to string. * * @param string $format PHP date format. * * @return string */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Date Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/date.php:109
/** * Produces the copy of the object. * * @return void */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Date Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/date.php:119
/** * Performs dates arithmetic. * * Each duration period is represented by an integer value followed by a period * designator. If the duration contains time elements, that portion of the * specification is preceded by the letter T. * Period Designators: Y - years, M - months, D - days, W - weeks, H - hours, * M - minutes, S - seconds. * Examples: two days - 2D, two seconds - T2S, six years and five minutes - 6YT5M. * The unit types must be entered from the largest scale unit on the left to the * smallest scale unit on the right. * Use first "-" char for negative periods. * OR * Relative period. * Examples: "+5 weeks", "12 day", "-7 weekdays", '3 months - 5 days' * * @param string $interval Time interval to add. * * @return $this */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Date Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/date.php:144
/** * Sets the current date of the DateTime object to a different date. * @param int $year * @param int $month * @param int $day * * @return $this */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Date Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/date.php:165
/** * Returns Unix timestamp from date. * * @return int */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Date Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/date.php:214
/** * Returns difference between dates. * * @param Date $time * @return \DateInterval */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Date Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/date.php:225
/** * Converts a date to the string with default culture format setting. * * @return string */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Date Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/date.php:248
/** * @param string $format * @param string $time * @return array|bool */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Date Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/date.php:52
Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Date Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/date.php:172
Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/datetime.php:70
/** * Creates DateTime object from local user time using global timezone settings and default culture. * * @param string $timeString Full or short formatted time. * * @return DateTime */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/datetime.php:180
/** * Creates DateTime object from PHP \DateTime object. * * @param \DateTime $datetime Source object. * * @return static */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/datetime.php:233
/** * Creates DateTime object from Unix timestamp. * * @param int $timestamp Source timestamp. * * @return static */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/datetime.php:247
/** * Creates DateTime object from string. * NULL will be returned on failure. * @param string $timeString Full formatted time. * @param string $format PHP datetime format. If not specified, the format is got from the current culture. * @return DateTime|null */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/datetime.php:261
/** * Returns a date format from the culture in the php format. * * @param Context\Culture $culture Optional culture. * * @return string */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Date Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/date.php:260
/** * Converts date format from culture to php format. * * @param string $format Format string. * * @return mixed */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Date Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/date.php:305
/** * Checks the string for correct date (by trying to create Date object). * * @param string $time String representation of date. * @param string $format PHP date format. If not specified, the format is got from the current culture. * * @return bool */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Date Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/date.php:355
/** * Creates Date object from Text (return array of result object) * Examples: "end of next week", "tomorrow morning", "friday 25.10" * * @param string $text * @return DateTime|null */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Date Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/date.php:413
/** * Returns long (including time) date culture format. * * @param Context\Culture $culture Culture. * * @return string */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/datetime.php:217
<p> </p> <p align="center"> </p> Использование пневмооболочек позволяет раскреплять самые разные виды грузов на паллетах, а также раскреплять отдельно рулоны, бочки, ящики и коробки, на всех видах грузового транспорта.<br> <p> Внутренний слой – многослойная пленка ПВД. Внешний слой – ламинированный полипропиленовый рукав. </p> <p> Швы пневмооболочки усилены уплотняющим канатом. </p> <div> Этикетка, вшитая в пневмооболочку, является гарантией того, что продукт изготовлен российским производителем, а также минимизирует риск подделки продукции.ООО «Страж-Восток» предлагает современные технологичные материалы, соответствующие международным стандартам, предназначенные для раскрепления грузов — пневмооболочки. Мы являемся официальным дистрибьютором ООО «Стражник» - российского производителя пневмооболочек для фиксации груза на всех видах транспорта. Пройдены все этапы испытаний пневмооболочек, в том числе на РЖД, а также подписаны Местные технические условия (МТУ). <br> Контроль качества на всех этапах производственного цикла. <br> <br> <img width="1024" alt="Group 10.png" src="" height="257" title="Group 10.png"><br> <br> </div> <p> </p> <p> </p>
<p> </p> <p align="center"> </p> Использование пневмооболочек позволяет раскреплять самые разные виды грузов на паллетах, а также раскреплять отдельно рулоны, бочки, ящики и коробки, на всех видах грузового транспорта.<br> <p> Внутренний слой – многослойная пленка ПВД. Внешний слой – ламинированный полипропиленовый рукав. </p> <p> Швы пневмооболочки усилены уплотняющим канатом. </p> <div> Этикетка, вшитая в пневмооболочку, является гарантией того, что продукт изготовлен российским производителем, а также минимизирует риск подделки продукции.ООО «Страж-Восток» предлагает современные технологичные материалы, соответствующие международным стандартам, предназначенные для раскрепления грузов — пневмооболочки. Мы являемся официальным дистрибьютором ООО «Стражник» - российского производителя пневмооболочек для фиксации груза на всех видах транспорта. Пройдены все этапы испытаний пневмооболочек, в том числе на РЖД, а также подписаны Местные технические условия (МТУ). <br> Контроль качества на всех этапах производственного цикла. <br> <br> <img width="1024" alt="Group 10.png" src="" height="257" title="Group 10.png"><br> <br> </div> <p> </p> <p> </p>
Пневмооболочка — это двухслойный пакет повышенной прочности, определённого размера, с впускным/выпускным клапаном.<br> Крепление грузов в транспортных средствах осуществляется путем укладки пневмооболочек в технологические пустоты между грузами, стенками транспортных средств, с последующей закачкой воздуха в пакеты.<br> <hr> Пневмооболочки делятся на 3 уровня в зависимости от выдерживаемой нагрузки:<br> <br> <b>1 уровень</b> рекомендуется для заполнения пустот при перевозки легких грузов в автотранспорте. Воздушный пакет способен выдерживать нагрузки до 10 тонн. <br> <br> <b>2 уровень</b> применяется для всех видов контейнерной и комбинированной перевозки грузов. Максимальное давление до разрешения – 27 тонн. <br> <br> <b>3 уровень</b> используется для железнодорожной перевозки плитки, рулонов бумаги, кирпича, фанеры, пластика, а также для морских перевозок. (нагрузка до 45 тонн).<br> <br>
Пневмооболочка — это двухслойный пакет повышенной прочности, определённого размера, с впускным/выпускным клапаном.<br> Крепление грузов в транспортных средствах осуществляется путем укладки пневмооболочек в технологические пустоты между грузами, стенками транспортных средств, с последующей закачкой воздуха в пакеты.<br> <hr> Пневмооболочки делятся на 3 уровня в зависимости от выдерживаемой нагрузки:<br> <br> <b>1 уровень</b> рекомендуется для заполнения пустот при перевозки легких грузов в автотранспорте. Воздушный пакет способен выдерживать нагрузки до 10 тонн. <br> <br> <b>2 уровень</b> применяется для всех видов контейнерной и комбинированной перевозки грузов. Максимальное давление до разрешения – 27 тонн. <br> <br> <b>3 уровень</b> используется для железнодорожной перевозки плитки, рулонов бумаги, кирпича, фанеры, пластика, а также для морских перевозок. (нагрузка до 45 тонн).<br> <br>
/** * @param string $time String representation of datetime. * @param string $format PHP datetime format. If not specified, the format is got from the current culture. * @param \DateTimeZone $timezone Optional timezone object. * * @throws Main\ObjectException */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/datetime.php:19
/** * Converts date to string, using Culture and global timezone settings. * * @param Context\Culture $culture Culture contains datetime format. * * @return string */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/datetime.php:85
/** * Returns timezone object. * * @return \DateTimeZone */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/datetime.php:106
/** * Sets timezone object. * * @param \DateTimeZone $timezone Timezone object. * * @return DateTime */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/datetime.php:118
/** * Sets default timezone. * * @return DateTime */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/datetime.php:129
/** * @param int $hour Hour value. * @param int $minute Minute value. * @param int $second Second value. * @param int $microseconds Microseconds value. * * @return DateTime */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/datetime.php:144
/** * Changes time from server time to user time using global timezone settings. * * @return DateTime */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/datetime.php:155
/** * @return bool */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/datetime.php:287
/** * @return $this */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/datetime.php:295
/** * @return $this */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/datetime.php:305
/** * Formats date value to string. * * @param string $format PHP date format. * * @return string */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Date Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/date.php:109
/** * Produces the copy of the object. * * @return void */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Date Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/date.php:119
/** * Performs dates arithmetic. * * Each duration period is represented by an integer value followed by a period * designator. If the duration contains time elements, that portion of the * specification is preceded by the letter T. * Period Designators: Y - years, M - months, D - days, W - weeks, H - hours, * M - minutes, S - seconds. * Examples: two days - 2D, two seconds - T2S, six years and five minutes - 6YT5M. * The unit types must be entered from the largest scale unit on the left to the * smallest scale unit on the right. * Use first "-" char for negative periods. * OR * Relative period. * Examples: "+5 weeks", "12 day", "-7 weekdays", '3 months - 5 days' * * @param string $interval Time interval to add. * * @return $this */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Date Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/date.php:144
/** * Sets the current date of the DateTime object to a different date. * @param int $year * @param int $month * @param int $day * * @return $this */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Date Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/date.php:165
/** * Returns Unix timestamp from date. * * @return int */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Date Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/date.php:214
/** * Returns difference between dates. * * @param Date $time * @return \DateInterval */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Date Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/date.php:225
/** * Converts a date to the string with default culture format setting. * * @return string */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Date Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/date.php:248
/** * @param string $format * @param string $time * @return array|bool */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Date Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/date.php:52
Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Date Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/date.php:172
Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/datetime.php:70
/** * Creates DateTime object from local user time using global timezone settings and default culture. * * @param string $timeString Full or short formatted time. * * @return DateTime */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/datetime.php:180
/** * Creates DateTime object from PHP \DateTime object. * * @param \DateTime $datetime Source object. * * @return static */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/datetime.php:233
/** * Creates DateTime object from Unix timestamp. * * @param int $timestamp Source timestamp. * * @return static */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/datetime.php:247
/** * Creates DateTime object from string. * NULL will be returned on failure. * @param string $timeString Full formatted time. * @param string $format PHP datetime format. If not specified, the format is got from the current culture. * @return DateTime|null */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/datetime.php:261
/** * Returns a date format from the culture in the php format. * * @param Context\Culture $culture Optional culture. * * @return string */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Date Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/date.php:260
/** * Converts date format from culture to php format. * * @param string $format Format string. * * @return mixed */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Date Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/date.php:305
/** * Checks the string for correct date (by trying to create Date object). * * @param string $time String representation of date. * @param string $format PHP date format. If not specified, the format is got from the current culture. * * @return bool */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Date Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/date.php:355
/** * Creates Date object from Text (return array of result object) * Examples: "end of next week", "tomorrow morning", "friday 25.10" * * @param string $text * @return DateTime|null */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Date Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/date.php:413
/** * Returns long (including time) date culture format. * * @param Context\Culture $culture Culture. * * @return string */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/datetime.php:217
Купить Пневмооболочка в Красноярске. Компания «Страж-Енисей | Пломбы Красноярск»
пломба, пломбир, пломбиратор, ЗПУ, запорно-пломбировочное устройство, пневмооболочка, крепежный пакет
пломба, пломбир, пломбиратор, ЗПУ, запорно-пломбировочное устройство, пневмооболочка, крепежный пакет
Купить Пневмооболочка в Красноярске. Компания «Страж-Енисей | Пломбы Красноярск»
/** * @param string $time String representation of datetime. * @param string $format PHP datetime format. If not specified, the format is got from the current culture. * @param \DateTimeZone $timezone Optional timezone object. * * @throws Main\ObjectException */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/datetime.php:19
/** * Converts date to string, using Culture and global timezone settings. * * @param Context\Culture $culture Culture contains datetime format. * * @return string */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/datetime.php:85
/** * Returns timezone object. * * @return \DateTimeZone */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/datetime.php:106
/** * Sets timezone object. * * @param \DateTimeZone $timezone Timezone object. * * @return DateTime */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/datetime.php:118
/** * Sets default timezone. * * @return DateTime */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/datetime.php:129
/** * @param int $hour Hour value. * @param int $minute Minute value. * @param int $second Second value. * @param int $microseconds Microseconds value. * * @return DateTime */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/datetime.php:144
/** * Changes time from server time to user time using global timezone settings. * * @return DateTime */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/datetime.php:155
/** * @return bool */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/datetime.php:287
/** * @return $this */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/datetime.php:295
/** * @return $this */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/datetime.php:305
/** * Formats date value to string. * * @param string $format PHP date format. * * @return string */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Date Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/date.php:109
/** * Produces the copy of the object. * * @return void */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Date Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/date.php:119
/** * Performs dates arithmetic. * * Each duration period is represented by an integer value followed by a period * designator. If the duration contains time elements, that portion of the * specification is preceded by the letter T. * Period Designators: Y - years, M - months, D - days, W - weeks, H - hours, * M - minutes, S - seconds. * Examples: two days - 2D, two seconds - T2S, six years and five minutes - 6YT5M. * The unit types must be entered from the largest scale unit on the left to the * smallest scale unit on the right. * Use first "-" char for negative periods. * OR * Relative period. * Examples: "+5 weeks", "12 day", "-7 weekdays", '3 months - 5 days' * * @param string $interval Time interval to add. * * @return $this */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Date Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/date.php:144
/** * Sets the current date of the DateTime object to a different date. * @param int $year * @param int $month * @param int $day * * @return $this */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Date Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/date.php:165
/** * Returns Unix timestamp from date. * * @return int */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Date Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/date.php:214
/** * Returns difference between dates. * * @param Date $time * @return \DateInterval */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Date Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/date.php:225
/** * Converts a date to the string with default culture format setting. * * @return string */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Date Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/date.php:248
/** * @param string $format * @param string $time * @return array|bool */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Date Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/date.php:52
Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Date Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/date.php:172
Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/datetime.php:70
/** * Creates DateTime object from local user time using global timezone settings and default culture. * * @param string $timeString Full or short formatted time. * * @return DateTime */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/datetime.php:180
/** * Creates DateTime object from PHP \DateTime object. * * @param \DateTime $datetime Source object. * * @return static */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/datetime.php:233
/** * Creates DateTime object from Unix timestamp. * * @param int $timestamp Source timestamp. * * @return static */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/datetime.php:247
/** * Creates DateTime object from string. * NULL will be returned on failure. * @param string $timeString Full formatted time. * @param string $format PHP datetime format. If not specified, the format is got from the current culture. * @return DateTime|null */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/datetime.php:261
/** * Returns a date format from the culture in the php format. * * @param Context\Culture $culture Optional culture. * * @return string */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Date Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/date.php:260
/** * Converts date format from culture to php format. * * @param string $format Format string. * * @return mixed */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Date Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/date.php:305
/** * Checks the string for correct date (by trying to create Date object). * * @param string $time String representation of date. * @param string $format PHP date format. If not specified, the format is got from the current culture. * * @return bool */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Date Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/date.php:355
/** * Creates Date object from Text (return array of result object) * Examples: "end of next week", "tomorrow morning", "friday 25.10" * * @param string $text * @return DateTime|null */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Date Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/date.php:413
/** * Returns long (including time) date culture format. * * @param Context\Culture $culture Culture. * * @return string */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/datetime.php:217
Пневмопистолет с увеличенной пропускной способностью воздуха.<br /> Сокращает время надувания пневмооболочки на 30-35%.
Пневмопистолет с увеличенной пропускной способностью воздуха. Сокращает время надувания пневмооболочки на 30-35%.
/** * @param string $time String representation of datetime. * @param string $format PHP datetime format. If not specified, the format is got from the current culture. * @param \DateTimeZone $timezone Optional timezone object. * * @throws Main\ObjectException */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/datetime.php:19
/** * Converts date to string, using Culture and global timezone settings. * * @param Context\Culture $culture Culture contains datetime format. * * @return string */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/datetime.php:85
/** * Returns timezone object. * * @return \DateTimeZone */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/datetime.php:106
/** * Sets timezone object. * * @param \DateTimeZone $timezone Timezone object. * * @return DateTime */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/datetime.php:118
/** * Sets default timezone. * * @return DateTime */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/datetime.php:129
/** * @param int $hour Hour value. * @param int $minute Minute value. * @param int $second Second value. * @param int $microseconds Microseconds value. * * @return DateTime */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/datetime.php:144
/** * Changes time from server time to user time using global timezone settings. * * @return DateTime */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/datetime.php:155
/** * @return bool */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/datetime.php:287
/** * @return $this */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/datetime.php:295
/** * @return $this */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/datetime.php:305
/** * Formats date value to string. * * @param string $format PHP date format. * * @return string */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Date Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/date.php:109
/** * Produces the copy of the object. * * @return void */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Date Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/date.php:119
/** * Performs dates arithmetic. * * Each duration period is represented by an integer value followed by a period * designator. If the duration contains time elements, that portion of the * specification is preceded by the letter T. * Period Designators: Y - years, M - months, D - days, W - weeks, H - hours, * M - minutes, S - seconds. * Examples: two days - 2D, two seconds - T2S, six years and five minutes - 6YT5M. * The unit types must be entered from the largest scale unit on the left to the * smallest scale unit on the right. * Use first "-" char for negative periods. * OR * Relative period. * Examples: "+5 weeks", "12 day", "-7 weekdays", '3 months - 5 days' * * @param string $interval Time interval to add. * * @return $this */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Date Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/date.php:144
/** * Sets the current date of the DateTime object to a different date. * @param int $year * @param int $month * @param int $day * * @return $this */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Date Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/date.php:165
/** * Returns Unix timestamp from date. * * @return int */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Date Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/date.php:214
/** * Returns difference between dates. * * @param Date $time * @return \DateInterval */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Date Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/date.php:225
/** * Converts a date to the string with default culture format setting. * * @return string */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Date Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/date.php:248
/** * @param string $format * @param string $time * @return array|bool */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Date Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/date.php:52
Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Date Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/date.php:172
Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/datetime.php:70
/** * Creates DateTime object from local user time using global timezone settings and default culture. * * @param string $timeString Full or short formatted time. * * @return DateTime */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/datetime.php:180
/** * Creates DateTime object from PHP \DateTime object. * * @param \DateTime $datetime Source object. * * @return static */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/datetime.php:233
/** * Creates DateTime object from Unix timestamp. * * @param int $timestamp Source timestamp. * * @return static */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/datetime.php:247
/** * Creates DateTime object from string. * NULL will be returned on failure. * @param string $timeString Full formatted time. * @param string $format PHP datetime format. If not specified, the format is got from the current culture. * @return DateTime|null */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/datetime.php:261
/** * Returns a date format from the culture in the php format. * * @param Context\Culture $culture Optional culture. * * @return string */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Date Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/date.php:260
/** * Converts date format from culture to php format. * * @param string $format Format string. * * @return mixed */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Date Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/date.php:305
/** * Checks the string for correct date (by trying to create Date object). * * @param string $time String representation of date. * @param string $format PHP date format. If not specified, the format is got from the current culture. * * @return bool */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Date Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/date.php:355
/** * Creates Date object from Text (return array of result object) * Examples: "end of next week", "tomorrow morning", "friday 25.10" * * @param string $text * @return DateTime|null */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Date Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/date.php:413
/** * Returns long (including time) date culture format. * * @param Context\Culture $culture Culture. * * @return string */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/datetime.php:217
Купить Устройство для накачивания/спуска пневмооболочек в Красноярске. Компания «Страж-Енисей | Пломбы Красноярск»
пломба, пломбир, пломбиратор, ЗПУ, запорно-пломбировочное устройство, пневмооболочка, крепежный пакет
пломба, пломбир, пломбиратор, ЗПУ, запорно-пломбировочное устройство, пневмооболочка, крепежный пакет
Купить Устройство для накачивания/спуска пневмооболочек в Красноярске. Компания «Страж-Енисей | Пломбы Красноярск»
/** * @param string $time String representation of datetime. * @param string $format PHP datetime format. If not specified, the format is got from the current culture. * @param \DateTimeZone $timezone Optional timezone object. * * @throws Main\ObjectException */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/datetime.php:19
/** * Converts date to string, using Culture and global timezone settings. * * @param Context\Culture $culture Culture contains datetime format. * * @return string */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/datetime.php:85
/** * Returns timezone object. * * @return \DateTimeZone */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/datetime.php:106
/** * Sets timezone object. * * @param \DateTimeZone $timezone Timezone object. * * @return DateTime */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/datetime.php:118
/** * Sets default timezone. * * @return DateTime */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/datetime.php:129
/** * @param int $hour Hour value. * @param int $minute Minute value. * @param int $second Second value. * @param int $microseconds Microseconds value. * * @return DateTime */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/datetime.php:144
/** * Changes time from server time to user time using global timezone settings. * * @return DateTime */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/datetime.php:155
/** * @return bool */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/datetime.php:287
/** * @return $this */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/datetime.php:295
/** * @return $this */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/datetime.php:305
/** * Formats date value to string. * * @param string $format PHP date format. * * @return string */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Date Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/date.php:109
/** * Produces the copy of the object. * * @return void */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Date Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/date.php:119
/** * Performs dates arithmetic. * * Each duration period is represented by an integer value followed by a period * designator. If the duration contains time elements, that portion of the * specification is preceded by the letter T. * Period Designators: Y - years, M - months, D - days, W - weeks, H - hours, * M - minutes, S - seconds. * Examples: two days - 2D, two seconds - T2S, six years and five minutes - 6YT5M. * The unit types must be entered from the largest scale unit on the left to the * smallest scale unit on the right. * Use first "-" char for negative periods. * OR * Relative period. * Examples: "+5 weeks", "12 day", "-7 weekdays", '3 months - 5 days' * * @param string $interval Time interval to add. * * @return $this */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Date Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/date.php:144
/** * Sets the current date of the DateTime object to a different date. * @param int $year * @param int $month * @param int $day * * @return $this */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Date Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/date.php:165
/** * Returns Unix timestamp from date. * * @return int */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Date Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/date.php:214
/** * Returns difference between dates. * * @param Date $time * @return \DateInterval */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Date Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/date.php:225
/** * Converts a date to the string with default culture format setting. * * @return string */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Date Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/date.php:248
/** * @param string $format * @param string $time * @return array|bool */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Date Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/date.php:52
Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Date Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/date.php:172
Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/datetime.php:70
/** * Creates DateTime object from local user time using global timezone settings and default culture. * * @param string $timeString Full or short formatted time. * * @return DateTime */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/datetime.php:180
/** * Creates DateTime object from PHP \DateTime object. * * @param \DateTime $datetime Source object. * * @return static */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/datetime.php:233
/** * Creates DateTime object from Unix timestamp. * * @param int $timestamp Source timestamp. * * @return static */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/datetime.php:247
/** * Creates DateTime object from string. * NULL will be returned on failure. * @param string $timeString Full formatted time. * @param string $format PHP datetime format. If not specified, the format is got from the current culture. * @return DateTime|null */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/datetime.php:261
/** * Returns a date format from the culture in the php format. * * @param Context\Culture $culture Optional culture. * * @return string */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Date Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/date.php:260
/** * Converts date format from culture to php format. * * @param string $format Format string. * * @return mixed */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Date Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/date.php:305
/** * Checks the string for correct date (by trying to create Date object). * * @param string $time String representation of date. * @param string $format PHP date format. If not specified, the format is got from the current culture. * * @return bool */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Date Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/date.php:355
/** * Creates Date object from Text (return array of result object) * Examples: "end of next week", "tomorrow morning", "friday 25.10" * * @param string $text * @return DateTime|null */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Date Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/date.php:413
/** * Returns long (including time) date culture format. * * @param Context\Culture $culture Culture. * * @return string */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/datetime.php:217
Устройство для накачивания.<br /> Сокращает время надувания пневмооболочки на 30-35%.
Устройство для накачивания. Сокращает время надувания пневмооболочки на 30-35%.
/** * @param string $time String representation of datetime. * @param string $format PHP datetime format. If not specified, the format is got from the current culture. * @param \DateTimeZone $timezone Optional timezone object. * * @throws Main\ObjectException */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/datetime.php:19
/** * Converts date to string, using Culture and global timezone settings. * * @param Context\Culture $culture Culture contains datetime format. * * @return string */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/datetime.php:85
/** * Returns timezone object. * * @return \DateTimeZone */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/datetime.php:106
/** * Sets timezone object. * * @param \DateTimeZone $timezone Timezone object. * * @return DateTime */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/datetime.php:118
/** * Sets default timezone. * * @return DateTime */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/datetime.php:129
/** * @param int $hour Hour value. * @param int $minute Minute value. * @param int $second Second value. * @param int $microseconds Microseconds value. * * @return DateTime */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/datetime.php:144
/** * Changes time from server time to user time using global timezone settings. * * @return DateTime */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/datetime.php:155
/** * @return bool */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/datetime.php:287
/** * @return $this */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/datetime.php:295
/** * @return $this */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/datetime.php:305
/** * Formats date value to string. * * @param string $format PHP date format. * * @return string */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Date Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/date.php:109
/** * Produces the copy of the object. * * @return void */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Date Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/date.php:119
/** * Performs dates arithmetic. * * Each duration period is represented by an integer value followed by a period * designator. If the duration contains time elements, that portion of the * specification is preceded by the letter T. * Period Designators: Y - years, M - months, D - days, W - weeks, H - hours, * M - minutes, S - seconds. * Examples: two days - 2D, two seconds - T2S, six years and five minutes - 6YT5M. * The unit types must be entered from the largest scale unit on the left to the * smallest scale unit on the right. * Use first "-" char for negative periods. * OR * Relative period. * Examples: "+5 weeks", "12 day", "-7 weekdays", '3 months - 5 days' * * @param string $interval Time interval to add. * * @return $this */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Date Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/date.php:144
/** * Sets the current date of the DateTime object to a different date. * @param int $year * @param int $month * @param int $day * * @return $this */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Date Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/date.php:165
/** * Returns Unix timestamp from date. * * @return int */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Date Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/date.php:214
/** * Returns difference between dates. * * @param Date $time * @return \DateInterval */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Date Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/date.php:225
/** * Converts a date to the string with default culture format setting. * * @return string */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Date Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/date.php:248
/** * @param string $format * @param string $time * @return array|bool */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Date Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/date.php:52
Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Date Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/date.php:172
Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/datetime.php:70
/** * Creates DateTime object from local user time using global timezone settings and default culture. * * @param string $timeString Full or short formatted time. * * @return DateTime */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/datetime.php:180
/** * Creates DateTime object from PHP \DateTime object. * * @param \DateTime $datetime Source object. * * @return static */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/datetime.php:233
/** * Creates DateTime object from Unix timestamp. * * @param int $timestamp Source timestamp. * * @return static */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/datetime.php:247
/** * Creates DateTime object from string. * NULL will be returned on failure. * @param string $timeString Full formatted time. * @param string $format PHP datetime format. If not specified, the format is got from the current culture. * @return DateTime|null */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/datetime.php:261
/** * Returns a date format from the culture in the php format. * * @param Context\Culture $culture Optional culture. * * @return string */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Date Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/date.php:260
/** * Converts date format from culture to php format. * * @param string $format Format string. * * @return mixed */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Date Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/date.php:305
/** * Checks the string for correct date (by trying to create Date object). * * @param string $time String representation of date. * @param string $format PHP date format. If not specified, the format is got from the current culture. * * @return bool */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Date Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/date.php:355
/** * Creates Date object from Text (return array of result object) * Examples: "end of next week", "tomorrow morning", "friday 25.10" * * @param string $text * @return DateTime|null */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Date Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/date.php:413
/** * Returns long (including time) date culture format. * * @param Context\Culture $culture Culture. * * @return string */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/datetime.php:217
/** * @param string $time String representation of datetime. * @param string $format PHP datetime format. If not specified, the format is got from the current culture. * @param \DateTimeZone $timezone Optional timezone object. * * @throws Main\ObjectException */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/datetime.php:19
/** * Converts date to string, using Culture and global timezone settings. * * @param Context\Culture $culture Culture contains datetime format. * * @return string */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/datetime.php:85
/** * Returns timezone object. * * @return \DateTimeZone */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/datetime.php:106
/** * Sets timezone object. * * @param \DateTimeZone $timezone Timezone object. * * @return DateTime */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/datetime.php:118
/** * Sets default timezone. * * @return DateTime */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/datetime.php:129
/** * @param int $hour Hour value. * @param int $minute Minute value. * @param int $second Second value. * @param int $microseconds Microseconds value. * * @return DateTime */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/datetime.php:144
/** * Changes time from server time to user time using global timezone settings. * * @return DateTime */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/datetime.php:155
/** * @return bool */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/datetime.php:287
/** * @return $this */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/datetime.php:295
/** * @return $this */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/datetime.php:305
/** * Formats date value to string. * * @param string $format PHP date format. * * @return string */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Date Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/date.php:109
/** * Produces the copy of the object. * * @return void */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Date Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/date.php:119
/** * Performs dates arithmetic. * * Each duration period is represented by an integer value followed by a period * designator. If the duration contains time elements, that portion of the * specification is preceded by the letter T. * Period Designators: Y - years, M - months, D - days, W - weeks, H - hours, * M - minutes, S - seconds. * Examples: two days - 2D, two seconds - T2S, six years and five minutes - 6YT5M. * The unit types must be entered from the largest scale unit on the left to the * smallest scale unit on the right. * Use first "-" char for negative periods. * OR * Relative period. * Examples: "+5 weeks", "12 day", "-7 weekdays", '3 months - 5 days' * * @param string $interval Time interval to add. * * @return $this */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Date Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/date.php:144
/** * Sets the current date of the DateTime object to a different date. * @param int $year * @param int $month * @param int $day * * @return $this */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Date Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/date.php:165
/** * Returns Unix timestamp from date. * * @return int */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Date Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/date.php:214
/** * Returns difference between dates. * * @param Date $time * @return \DateInterval */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Date Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/date.php:225
/** * Converts a date to the string with default culture format setting. * * @return string */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Date Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/date.php:248
/** * @param string $format * @param string $time * @return array|bool */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Date Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/date.php:52
Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Date Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/date.php:172
Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/datetime.php:70
/** * Creates DateTime object from local user time using global timezone settings and default culture. * * @param string $timeString Full or short formatted time. * * @return DateTime */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/datetime.php:180
/** * Creates DateTime object from PHP \DateTime object. * * @param \DateTime $datetime Source object. * * @return static */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/datetime.php:233
/** * Creates DateTime object from Unix timestamp. * * @param int $timestamp Source timestamp. * * @return static */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/datetime.php:247
/** * Creates DateTime object from string. * NULL will be returned on failure. * @param string $timeString Full formatted time. * @param string $format PHP datetime format. If not specified, the format is got from the current culture. * @return DateTime|null */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/datetime.php:261
/** * Returns a date format from the culture in the php format. * * @param Context\Culture $culture Optional culture. * * @return string */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Date Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/date.php:260
/** * Converts date format from culture to php format. * * @param string $format Format string. * * @return mixed */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Date Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/date.php:305
/** * Checks the string for correct date (by trying to create Date object). * * @param string $time String representation of date. * @param string $format PHP date format. If not specified, the format is got from the current culture. * * @return bool */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Date Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/date.php:355
/** * Creates Date object from Text (return array of result object) * Examples: "end of next week", "tomorrow morning", "friday 25.10" * * @param string $text * @return DateTime|null */ Inherited from Bitrix\Main\Type\Date Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/date.php:413
/** * Returns long (including time) date culture format. * * @param Context\Culture $culture Culture. * * @return string */ Defined in <ROOT>/bitrix/modules/main/lib/type/datetime.php:217
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